
Name Wozu? Antragsformular Sonstiges
Material lending Lending of items from the Stura inventory Application form A2 material loan Deposit List & Overview
Social loan Application for a social loan

Application form A4 social loan
Application Form A4 Social Loan Deferral

Application Form A4S Special Social Loan 

Travel expenses Applications for travel for the benefit of the student body

Application Form A6 Travel Reimbursement

Application BEFORE the start of the trip.
Project funding Financial support for student projects

Application Form A7 Funding for projects and cultural events

Application BEFORE the start of the project.
Information sheet for applicants for project funding  

Informationsheet-M7 EN

Internal communication Inclusion in the internal communication of the StuRa (distribution list, etc.)

Application Form A8 Inclusion in internal communication

Data privacy  

A9 Data privacy


Instruction for processing personal data

Car Sharing Online Order Form Bestellung und Vereinbarung zur Nutzung von teilAuto (Carsharing)
über den StuRa der OvGU

Link to the Car Sharing Online Order Form

This agreement only authorizes the use of the Car Sharing account
and does not include the assumption of costs incurred by the StuRa.
The costs consist of time costs and kilometer costs.

Time costs can be reported immediately after booking.

A2a Car Sharing Card Lending Ausleihe der teilAuto-Karte für den Einsatz des Mietwagens Borrowing form car sharing card – Only in German 5€ Deposit for the card.

Please send applications by E-Mail to

Data protection

The data you provide in your application will only be used to process your application and to contact you.

Furthermore, the application A7 project funding from page 3 onwards, the financial plan and, if applicable, further attachments (e.g. concept of the event) will be published in our wiki and can be viewed by any person.