Special Social Loan

By | 15. June 2024

With the introduction of the Germany Ticket for the winter semester 2024/25, the semester contribution will increase from €155.20 to €277.90. The resulting increase of €122.70 will lead to financial problems and concerns for many students. In order to provide short-term support, we have introduced a special social loan in the meeting of 16.05.20241. This is a short-term solution to support students in financial need. The conditions of the Special Social Loan are the same as those of our Social Loan according to §23 FO of the Student Council, with the exception of paragraph 5:

§23 Sozialdarlehen

  1. Für die kurzfristige Überbrückung einer persönlichen sozialen Notlage kann der Studierendenrat an Studierende der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Darlehen ausgeben. 
  2. Die Höhe des Darlehens wird im Einzelfall festgelegt und kann von der beantragten Summe abweichen. 
  3. Das maximale Darlehen beträgt 2.000,00 € pro Studierenden. 
  4. Der*Die Sprecher*in für Finanzen des Studierendenrates haben die Ordnungsmäßigkeit der Rückzahlungen zu überwachen. 
  5. Das Darlehen ist vor dem Ende des Studiums der antragstellenden Person zu tilgen. 2


Since this is a reduced loan, the application process is shortened. The loan can be applied for until 15.10.2024. To apply for the Special Social Loan, the following documents are required
– The Special Social Loan Form (Forms)
– Proof of income for the last 3 months (e.g. bank statements)
– Self-assessment of approximately 900 words (briefly explain why the Special Social Loan is needed, what the current living situation is like, etc.) (Example)
– Certificate of enrollment
– Copy of visa, if available
All documents will be sent to the following email address: sondersozialdarlehen@stura-md.de

The Special Social Loan will be disbursed from 16.10.2024 at the earliest. Depending on how many students apply for the Special Social Loan, it is possible that not all applicants will receive the loan, as our funds are limited. Nevertheless, we as the Student Council stand by your side. Once the Special Social Loan Committee has processed all applications and decided who will receive the Special Social Loan, you will be notified and the amount will be disbursed.

  1. Decisions can be found here: https://wiki.stura-md.de/wiki/Beschlussdokumentation/2024#Sitzung_vom_16.05.2024 ↩︎
  2. Deadline reduced to 3 semesters or graduation, whichever comes first. ↩︎