By-election of the Student Council

By | 8. May 2022
Dear students, since your student council is currently composed of only 7 members, out of the 15 provided for in the statutes, we have decided, in consultation with the university administration, the electoral office and the legal office, to call a by-election for the remaining 8 vacant seats. Our primary concern is to be able to represent you and your interests well to the University and the community. Due to the prevailing understaffing, we have not been able to do this in the past weeks as we would have liked and also as you deserve. Against this background, we would like to have the remaining vacant seats for the student council re-elected, so that we can be a good student representative for you with full capacities for the rest of the legislative term. In order for us to succeed, however, we are dependent on your cooperation and support. Unfortunately, this time it is not enough for you to participate in the election and cast your vote. We urgently need people who are interested in making a difference and who want to get involved in student self-government. This may sound dry and boring to some of you, but it is anything but. Within the framework of the activities of the student council, you have the unique opportunity to gain insight behind the scenes of your studies and thus have the chance to directly participate in important decisions. If you have any questions about the topic, we are always ready to advise you. Just contact us via the usual communication channels or have a look at our homepage. There we have set up a website especially for the by-election, where we have prepared all important information for you. You can find the link in our bio. In addition, we would like to give special support to all people who want to set up their own list. Therefore, please feel free to contact us. We will support you with words and deeds. Your student council: Jessica, Till, Johann, Kris, Gabriel, Muffin and Ivette
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